

Can credit repair companies be trusted? Many "credit repair" companies claim to remove negative credit with the flick of a wrist. Their advertisements make bold assertions and money-back guarantees: "Bankruptcy, tax liens, judgments... no problem!! One hundred percent guaranteed!! Credit report 100% cleared in 30 days!!" Can they really make such sweeping guarantees?


While some credit repair companies are outright frauds, others are not fraudulent and they use the dispute process to obtain impressive results. In fact, they delete thousands of negative credit listings every day. There is a company called, Lexington Law who has been doing it for 15 years. Click Here to learn more.


Unfortunately, it is risky to trust anyone to help you restore your credit. It is estimated that fraudulent credit repair companies have bilked Americans out of more than fifty million dollars. The majority of credit repair companies were started by entrepreneurs with a penchant for marketing. Consumers have flocked to these "credit doctors" only to discover that their advertisements proved far more impressive than their results. Hiring a credit repair company is like playing Russian roulette. Many of them are effective and legitimate, but it is difficult to tell a rip-off from the real article.


So, can credit repair companies guarantee results?


Not a chance! No credit repair company is so good that it can guarantee a specific outcome. It would be like a defense lawyer guaranteeing that the jury will find his client innocent. Guarantees are a sure sign of credit repair fraud. A warranty, where the credit repair company promises a refund if certain results don't occur, is a better, more realistic claim. Lexington Law is a respectable company that we recommend.


Not surprisingly, the credit bureaus have declared war against the credit repair companies and those selling instruction on how to do-it-yourself. The bureaus lambaste credit repair companies in the media and send anti-credit repair literature to anyone whom they suspect of using credit repair services. The bureaus unflinchingly deny that accurate information can be removed from a credit report.


The simple truth is that you do not have to endure bad credit for seven to ten years as long as you feel comfortable challenging the accuracy or verifiability of your credit listings. If so, it is possible to restore creditworthiness within a much shorter time.


However you decide to address your credit challenges, realize that regardless of what you may hear in the news media, thousands before you have sought help and restored their credit. They can show you their homes, cars, and credit cards. Despite the newspaper articles, TV reports, and other credit bureau propaganda to the contrary, the simple truth remains: you can restore your credit. Learn More.
Improve your credit

Lexington Law is the trusted leader in credit repair. Having served over 200,000 clients since 1991, they have the experience necessary to make credit repair work for you.

How it works
The lawyers of Lexington Law will fight to remove negative items from your credit reports, so you can improve your credit score, and start living life without limitations. more

What you get
Along with outstanding client support, their service includes unlimited disputes and deletions. Lexington will not rest until you are satisfied with your credit report results. more

Get Started

585,214 items deleted in 2004
Client Reviews
"My experience with the Lexington Law Firm has been wonderful from beginning to end and the results you achieved are remarkable. It is also noteworthy, that the fee I paid for such superior professional service must be one of the truly great bargains of all time. My warmest best wishes to you all."

— R.S., Lexington client

"Thank you for all the wonderful work your staff has done on my behalf. The creditors that I wanted removed are no longer there... I couldn't have done it without you, nor would I ever want to. You and your staff are truly professionals and I bow to you."

— C.F., Lexington client

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